Two South African political parties have announced they will collaborate on a joint ticket in the upcoming general elections.
Arise South African leader Mpho Dagada, alongside his Economic Emancipation Forum (EcoForum) counterpart Dr. B.J. Langa, inked the deal in a surprise announcement at a news conference on Thursday, ahead of the national elections slated for May 29.
The two parties laid out a seven-point plan principle and announced that they would contest the 2024 general election under the Arise South Africa banner.
Dagada is set to retain his position as Arise South Africa president, while Dr. Langa will now serve as the party’s secretary general.
The party leaders have called on other political parties that were not part of the formation to reach out and join their efforts in making sure that the ruling party is removed from power, claiming that the country is being misgoverned and the rule of law is not respected.
Dakada has been crisscrossing the country, creating branches, and lobbying political leaders to join his party.
“We are grateful for the trust and support we receive from everyone, and we continue to work tirelessly to earn your continued support, added Dagada.
Arise South Africa has picked a number of its leaders to play different roles, and the movement has started recruiting individuals and civil society organisations.