African Transformation Movement ready for 2024 national election.

2024 national elections are getting closer, and political parties are launching their party manifestos outlining what the party will do, when voted in. The African Transformation Movement launched their manifesto at Nelson Mandela Bay, and Party President Vuyolwethu Zungula addressed jubilant members as he outlined the ATM manifesto for the 2024 national election.

Former South African President Nelson Mandela said “education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.” In 2022, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga indicated that 1423 schools still had pit latrines, 3 343 of 23 276 schools had no reliable electricity, and 5 836 schools had irregular water access. A recent survey indicates the growing literacy woes.

Speaking to the Guardian Report, ATM leader Vuyolwethu said “the education system needs a proper investment; the budget that’s there for education needs to be greater compared to other departments.” Mr. Zungula continues to say that through good investment, it will create quality education and decrease crime rates, which are a pandemic in our country.

South Africans are living in a new reality of coalition government, where we’ve witnessed a lack of service delivery, which is a basic right enshrined in the constitution, increased protest, and political parties fighting for power through countless motions of no confidence. The ATM leader says there’s no stability in the coalition government. Political Analyst Levi Ndou says “south Africans need to go out in their numbers to vote in order to avoid coalition government, which has brought instability in municipalities.”

ATM Leader continues to cite that South Africa needs a new servant leadership that’s the only time that people will witness genuine change. Under the ATM government criminals should think twice before committing a crime because we will not have mercy on them.

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