Did Al Jamaah join the Government of National unity to protect the Joburg mayoral position?
Kabelo Mgwamanda

The formation of the Government of National Unity (GNU) between the ANC and DA received backlash from political parties that form part of the progressive caucus and are against the marriage of convenience. 

The PAC, UDM, and Al Jamaah abounded the progressive bloc to join the GNU. Of the three parties that recently joined the GNU, Al Jamaah has a close relationship with the ANC. In 2023, the ANC backed Al Jama-ah Thapelo Amed to be the Mayor of Johannesburg. It is said that Thapelo resigned to keep the coalition intact, and again, the ANC backed Al Jama-ah’s Kabelo Mgwamanda to be the Mayor of Johannesburg.

In a statement dated June 10, 2024, the Al Jamaah leader raised concerns that the freedom South Africans are enjoying today will be reversed if the DA and its ‘Moonshot Pact’ chair Portfolio Committees and delay amendments or repeal of legislation that entrenched apartheid.

“Al Jamaah outright rejects a GNU because it will include the values of the Moonshot Pact, which is anti-humanitarian, supports the genocide of Palestinians, and its policies are anti-poor, leaving the vast majority of South Africans out in the cold,” says Henricks. The party views the notion of ‘neoliberalism’ as a divisive tool that undermines our societies.

In the same month of June, just 14 days after the statement was released rejecting the GNU, Al Jamaah joined the government of national unity.

Political analyst Dr. Levy Ndou says, “Al Jama-ah has been in support of the ANC for quite some time. The relationship between the ANC and Al Jamaah has been observed in many instances in the National Assembly. On numerous occasions, Al Jamaah would always be in support of or vote for the ANC.

Mr. Ndou adds that when “Al Jama-ah decided not to be part of the GNU, it would have implications for the City of Johannesburg, where Al Jama-ah is working well with the ANC. I think the decision for Al Jama-ah to reconsider joining the GNU would’ve been informed by how Al Jama-ah has been treated in the City of Johannesburg.”.

Al Jama-ah says they joined the Government of National Unity in a bid to weaken the DA and its allies.

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