Written by Thapelo Magola

Finance MEC Jacob Mamabolo visited SUD restaurant in Soweto on Wednesday, March 22 to meet and interact with township business owners and learn more about trials and triumphs encountered by SMEs
when doing business.
Throughout a series of roundtable discussion, MEC Mamabolo highlighted how the government continues to support township businesses across Gauteng, helping them grow, innovate and adapt to
changing times.
In his speech, MEC Mamabolo says the Gauteng provincial government is steadfast in ensuring that the budget can be used to grow and maximise the potential of township economy. You will recall that we
have just delivered the budget of the province in the last few weeks. To reposition the fiscal instruments such as budget and supply chain to empower the people in the townships.
MEC Mamabolo added that in goods and services the government will increase the expenditure to 60 percent of procurement buying in the townships.
Many business owners expressed their anger and frustration over the failure of basic services and corruption within the government enclaves which makes it hard to operate a business in townships. A series of engagement do nothing if townships remains squalid, poorly serviced and crime infested, business owners told the MEC.
Thulani Msimanga, who owns a five star car wash and properties in Soweto said: I’m so happy because we had the opportunity to interact with the MEC, because we are the ones knowing what needs to be