Powerade® Renovates Multipurpose Court in Orlando West Park.

Through its global communications platform, “Pause is Power,” which was launched globally in 2022, Powerade® champions the often-overlooked potential of a pause, prioritizing wellbeing over winning. The sports drink brand actively takes on the ‘win at all costs’ mentality by emphasizing the value and regenerative benefits of a pause—a moment for laughter, introspection, community interaction, and recovery. Taking this commitment beyond words, Powerade® took a moment to pause and invested in the revitalization of the popular Orlando West Park with a makeover of the basketball court into a modernized multipurpose court.

Unwavering in its belief, Powerade® believes that “’Coming Back Strong Starts with a Pause”. This powerful tagline masterfully encapsulates the brand’s commitment not only to providing athletes and ordinary citizens with hydration and replenishment but also to igniting their inner tenacity to overcome obstacles and re-emerge even more motivated and stronger.

Ramokone Ledwaba, Marketing Director at Coca-Cola Africa, expressed her excitement over the transformation of the multipurpose court, saying, “This makeover reflects our core values and perfectly mirrors our ‘Coming Back Strong Starts with a Pause’ tagline. At Powerade®, we believe the revitalization of the court sculpts a metaphor for the innate strength within us all. Our conviction rests on the premise that everyone’s personal best emanates from a pause in physical or mental activity, and we wanted to ensure we created a space for this. We invite the community to embrace this new enhanced court for tranquility, meditation, and rejuvenation,” Ledwaba stated.

“I am thrilled to witness brands like Powerade embodying the spirit of giving back, recognizing the importance of community development through sports, and exemplifying the core principles of service delivery and the “Batho Pele” principle. We encourage more brands to follow suit and partner with the city,” stated MMC of Community Development in the City of Johannesburg, Cllr. Magwentshu.

Located in Soweto, a historical significance and dynamic cultures, the Orlando West Park was unveiled in 2010 and functions as a community meeting place. However, the park is more than just a collection of sporting and recreational equipment. It contains swings, a netball and basketball court, a professional-size football pitch, and a 1km running track. Powerade’s goal is to ensure that everyone they encounter not only feels empowered and supported, but also emerges stronger and more resilient than before.

Powerade’s commitment is reflected in its continued support for local athletic events and provision of vital hydration stations during marathons. The brand advocates for the power of the pause, highlighting the importance of rest and reflection in the fight for greatness, alongside relentless effort. Powerade® sends a powerful message to all individuals, underscoring the radiant potential inherent in each pause taken – a moment of rejuvenation that breeds immense strength for the journey ahead and remembering that “Coming Back Strong Starts with a Pause”.

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